May 31st-June 2nd | Mt. Arlington, New Jersey
Join a New Tribe of Elite Shop Owners for a Ted Lasso-Inspired 3-Day LIVE Event in Mt. Arlington, NJ... and Experience a Powerful Upleveling of Yourself, Your Business, Your Connections, and Your High-Performing Team!
Get Ready for the #1 Workshop for Attracting, Developing, and Retaining Automotive Talent!
With the right staff in place you gain freedom. It gives you a REAL BUSINESS that operates without you!

Tickets Are Now Released!

Act Fast! We Only Have A Few Tickets Left for this Ted Lasso-Style Event!



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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

FOR: Independent Auto Repair Shop Owners and Their Leadership Teams...

At Repair Shop Growth Systems "LIVE" You Have the Rare Chance to Explode Your Profit, Power, and Purpose by Learning From Industry Leaders What's Working Right now to ATTRACT, DEVELOP  & RETAIN  Top Automotive Talent...

Join Technician Find, Magical Solutions, LLC and Shop Management Alliance at this year's must-attend three-day event in Mt. Arlington, New Jersey. You'll not only walk away from this event empowered with a proven blueprint for building a fully-staffed, high performing team that works together, is loyal, happy, productive, profitable and unpoachable...
You'll also get to experience networking like never before! 

"Ted Lasso" is a comedy-drama series that highlights how a positive, unconventional approach to leadership and team-building can drive success.

We will be taking over the world headquarters of Guttman Development Strategies in Mt. Arlington, NJ for a Ted Lasso-Style business building event complete with shop visits, great food, skydiving, boat rides, networking opportunities and more! The personal connections you make will more than make up for the ticket price you pay to get there!

Experience Something Extraordinary: Come to Repair Shop Growth Systems "LIVE" for a Chance to:

 Grow your network in a small, intimate setting ...with other high performing Shop Owners. It's no secret that your network = your net worth. Our attendees go home with not only new connections that help them grow their businesses, but with a new tribe of friends who "get" them and support and cheer them on. If you don't feel like you know how to network or you leave live events without really getting to know anyone... we promise you this will be different. We put a core focus on networking and we structure our events to 100% support that. We can assure you that everyone will have a connection with each other before the event is over if you simply follow our structure.

🏆 Get instant help on the places you are "stuck" growing your team with direct feedback from other Shop Owners who have "been there, done that" and continue to do "that" at the next level and beyond! Our people are on the field, making it happen every single day, no matter how hard or challenging it gets. One of the attendees at our previous event opened up his 2nd location, got it fully staffed with high performers and added over $790,000 in gross sales to the brand new shop with what he learned at the event.

 Get high level, actionable tactics and strategies that you can immediately implement to radically change how you ATTRACT, GROW & RETAIN top performers. We aren't here to rehash tired management training material folks! You probably know the drill... and we're not going to show you the WHY without showing you the HOW. More often than not our attendees go home with that 'little gold nugget' that was exactly what they needed to grow or scale their business to the next level.

🏆 You know what it takes to build your business... but sometimes you get fatigued and feel like you are going it alone and there are more fires starting in your business than you could hope to put out. At 'Repair Shop Growth Systems "LIVE",' you'll have the rare chance to RESET your energy and get your momentum back up and running in the right direction for you! It truly is a breath of fresh, energizing air!

 Get extra inspiration and motivation from others who are pushing hard at business and life... and are carving out their success, JUST LIKE YOU. Inspiration cannot be taken lightly. More often that not, Inspiration is the fuel that is thrown on the fire to create something bigger than ourselves. By the way, it's your inspiration that also drives happy, productive teams to meet and exceed goals!

🏆 Experience, experience, experience! We love to think outside the box and RARELY do we do anything "normal." We know you are dedicating your time and energy to attend our event, and we want to not just make it a business event or a networking event... but an experience that will elevate you and stick with you throughout your entire life! It's like training camp for Shop Owners!

Connect with Other High-Achieving Shop Owners, Tap Into the Collective Genius of the Mastermind, and Get Direct Answers for Building High-Performing Self-Managing Teams at Our 3-Day Repair Shop Growth Systems LIVE Event in a Ted Lasso-Inspired Atmosphere!

Reignite your passion, get recharged, re-energize, get hyper-focused, and explode your network and business at
Repair Shop Growth Systems LIVE on May 31st - June 2nd in Mt. Arlington, New Jersey!

This event will SELL OUT SOON! Act Now! We have limited seating because our  state of the art main conference room  has limited room. We are almost at capacity now!

Meet Your Hosts and Lead Trainers: Shawn, Chris & Nick

Shawn Gilfillan stands at the forefront of empowering auto repair shop owners, sharing his expertise on nurturing high-performance teams that thrive in a playful work culture. His journey as an entrepreneur spans over two decades, during which he has transformed Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber into benchmarks of self-reliance in the automotive repair industry.

Away from the podium and the shop floor, Shawn is a family man at heart, devoted to his wife Victoria and his three daughters. His zest for life extends to his hobbies; whether it’s piloting a single-engine plane or carving through snow on a snowmobile, Shawn is all about the joy of motion and the roar of engines.

Shawn will train on:

✔️Creating a game for your team to win: How to inspire and motivate your team with fun goals, profit sharing plans and proper pay structures. 
✔️What's possible for your shop? How to reverse engineer your business potential looking at bays, people and expenses.

Chris Lawson believes that good techs do their best work when they link up with great shops and we all benefit from safe and reliable vehicles.

As the visionary behind Technician Find, an Oceanside California based automotive recruiting firm, Chris dedicates himself to empowering auto repair shop owners by sharing his insights into attracting high-performance talent to cultivate fast-growing, culture-centric teams.

Since 2017, Technician Find has generated over 80,000 applicants for hundreds of automotive, diesel, collision and transmission repair shops across the United States and Canada helping them to get and stay fully staffed.

Chris will train on:

✔️The Technician Attraction Blueprint: How to locate and grab the attention of good technicians and get them to apply with compelling ads, social media marketing and structured follow up.

Nick Rahkonen is a successful business consultant, speaker and master trainer. He helps auto, truck and collision repair shop owners stop turning wrenches and build successful businesses. Over the course of his 25+ year consulting career, Nick has empowered more than 600 auto repair shop owners to achieve massive growth through efficient shop management and accountability. His innovative approach to the time-tested 20 group structure incorporates the real-life industry experience of successful shop owners and the organizational guidance of seasoned consultants to produce powerful results in a fraction of the time needed by traditional consulting programs. 


Nick will train on:

✔️Emotional Intelligence: bridging the communication gap to build high-performing teams that get along and produce.

Dear Shop Owner - Slash - Business Owner,

We see you.

Yep, you.

Doing what it takes day-in-day-out, doing your best to put the pieces of the puzzle together to grow a profitable business...

Some days you feel energized, motivated, and on a high...

Other days, frustrated, overworked and just plain burned out. Everything seems to be crumbling around you (including your family and your health) and you're wondering if it's finally time to throw in the towel.

Nobody else seems to understand what it takes to keep the lights on in your shop and how many plates you have spinning as a business owner so it's you and... well, you up against the world.

"With the right staff in place you gain freedom, and you can't place a price on that." -Shop Owner

We get you.

We've been where you are and we know how hard it is to Attract, Develop, and Retain Top Talent...

And that's why we started hosting our live, in-person events.

What's missing in today's automotive repair training and consulting landscape is solid, high performing, high achieving, "wanting to make an impact AND profit" Shop Owners coming together to help each other crack the code on how to keep their businesses fully staffed with high-performing and loyal employees.

That's what we do for the people in our community... and if that's you, then we want to do that for you, too!

And of course, we always, always, ALWAYS want the quickest way to LEVEL UP.

“It’s hard to keep growing without proper help.” -Shop Owner

Along with direct business feedback for you, you'll grow your network with outstanding individuals... those who are making a big impact, and a big profit...

And are just plain great humans.

We're being really serious, here. The Repair Shop Growth Systems family are some of the greatest people you will ever have the opportunity to meet and add to not just your network, but to your tribe of people you can turn to for support.

....And we are actually pretty protective of them, so if you are not a Shop Owner who is a genuine person and really wants to level up AND make an impact for your EMPLOYEES as well as a high profit... this is most definitely not the event for you.

If you are, however, a person who cares about making sure that your employee's lives work inside and outside of the shop as well as making a great profit in your business...

You don't have a scarcity mindset...

And you really do work hard + smart and want to meet, network, and grow yourself and your business...

Then we would love to have you join us on May 31st, June 1st, and June 2nd in the beautiful offices of Guttman Development Strategies in Mt. Arlington, New Jersey!

“The #1 thing holding us back is talent - finding the right people.” -Shop Owner

Connect with Other High-Achieving Shop Owners, Tap Into the Collective Genius of the Mastermind, and Get Direct Answers for Building High-Performing Self-Managing Teams at Our 3-Day Repair Shop Growth Systems LIVE Event in a Ted Lasso-Inspired Atmosphere!

Reignite your passion, get recharged, re-energize, get hyper-focused, and explode your network and business at
Repair Shop Growth Systems LIVE on May 31st - June 2nd in Mt. Arlington, New Jersey!

This event will SELL OUT FAST! Act Now! We have limited seating because our state of the art main conference room has limited room. We only have a few seats left!


We are excited to showcase a select group of distinguished speakers who will be joining us at our upcoming event. Below is a preview of some of the experts and thought leaders you can look forward to hearing from. Please note that this list represents just a sample of our full speaker lineup, which includes many more inspiring figures.

Howard M. Guttman

GDS focuses on aligning senior management teams, developing the strategy and implementation of “horizontal” organizations (brand teams, matrix structures, global teams), and executive development. Howard and his staff of consultants are known for creating programs and processes that are pragmatic, results-oriented, and produce observable change. His direct style enables clients to distinguish between symptoms and core organizational issues.

Howard is the author of Great Business Teams: Cracking the Code for Standout Performance (John Wiley), named one of the Top Business Books of 2008 by Soundview Executive Book Summaries. He is also the author of When Goliaths Clash: Managing Executive Conflict to Build a More Dynamic Organization. His third book, Coach Yourself to Win: 7 Steps to Breakthrough Performance on the Job and in Your Life, was published by McGraw-Hill in October 2010 ( and named to the Washington Post’s list of Top 5 Business Books for April 2011.

Howards’ article, “Are Your Global Team Members Miles Apart,” appeared in The Harvard Business Review, OnPoint, Summer, 2013. An interview with him was included in Thoughts from the Top: A Collection of Interviews with Business Gurus. Harvard Management Update’s interview with Mr. Guttman forms the basis of the chapter “Bury Your Opinion, Shortchange Your Team” in Teams That Click, a part of the Harvard Business School Press Results-Driven Manager series.

Articles by Mr. Guttman have appeared, and he has been quoted in broad-interest newspapers and magazines such as TIME magazine, American Airlines’ American Way, Amtrak’s Arrive, Business News New Jersey, Investors Business Daily, The Washington Post, The Newark Star-Ledger, U.S. News and World Report, and U.S.A. Today magazine.

He is also a frequent contributor to professional journals such as People & Strategy, Human Resource Executive, Chief Learning Officer, Leader to Leader, MWorld, Pharmaceutical Executive, and PharmaVOICE. He is a contributing editor to Leadership Excellence.

Howard will train on:

✔️Great Business Teams: Cracking the Code for Standout Performance

Carm Capriotto 

Carm Capriotto is a connector of aftermarket professionals and is the founder and host of Remarkable Results Radio, the premier automotive service repair podcast. Through interviews with the best in the business, sharing their unfiltered, honest and sincere stories with the goal of helping to advance the aftermarket.

As the ‘Voice of the Aftermarket,’ he has not only spotlighted personal stories of achievement of service professionals, but he also interviews aftermarket business coaches, trainers, technicians, educators, students, manufacturers, association executives and female shop owners. Carm says ‘It’s like 60 minutes meets NPR.’

“Carm has created a platform that not only disseminates valuable knowledge, but also fosters a sense of community among industry professionals. Through podcasts, he has facilitated meaningful conversations, shared best practices, and provided crucial insights that have undoubtedly elevated the automotive aftermarket sector.” Ron Tinner, COO of Repair Shop of Tomorrow.

It is education through storytelling. Carm is proud to help thousands of aftermarket professionals achieve their own remarkable results through the powerful medium of podcasting. He says, ‘I’m changing the behavior of how aftermarket professionals get their information, training and insights’.

Carm created and launched the Aftermarket Radio Network in 2021, featuring Remarkable Results Radio, The Town Hall Academy, and new podcast shows from technician Matt Fanslow, CPA Hunt Demarest, Business Coach Chris Cotton, and Marketing Gurus Kim and Brian Walker. Consider the Aftermarket Radio Network your podcast resource for personal and business success.

Carm has been honored with the Humanitarian Award from Vision Hi-Tech Training & Expo, Mort Schwartz Excellence In Education Award from the Auto Care Association, the ASA Communicator of the Year, Motor Press Guild Audio Podcast of the year and other industry honors.

Carm will train on:

✔️The Rise of the Mechanical and Technology Specialist

Eddie Lawrence

He started his diesel fleet service business, MTR Mobile Transport Repair, from the back of his truck in 1996. Now, 27+ years later, Eddie has a staff of 15 and has established MTR as the go to truck shop in Colorado Springs Colorado. He has gone from being the tech to the executive owner of his business. This has allowed Eddie the freedom to network with many shops over the years, both in truck and general auto.

Eddie has created a life framework called the Life Calibration that helps shop owners and technicians to gain more fulfillment, clarity, and perspective. He built the Life Calibration out of necessity when in the early morning hours in September of 2015 he died for a period of time on his bathroom floor at the age of 47.

He used the Life Calibration to give himself a better perspective in all of the areas of life and after finding that it greatly improved the quality of his life, he began to share it with others. The Life Calibration workshop has been given to MTR’s staff, the Shop Management Alliance group and shared with shops and small businesses around the country.

Eddie now is enjoying his life with his family, being the owner of a great shop and sharing the Life Calibration with others.

Eddie will train on:

✔️Life Calibration: Boost Attraction and Retention by Empowering Your Team with Tools for Balance and Fulfillment

Leigh Anne Best & Laura Frank

Brakes for Breasts is an organization that unites the hands of Independent Auto Repair Shops during the month of October. The participating Repair Shop provides their customers with free brake pads and the customer simply pays for the labor and any other parts that may be needed. The shop then donates 10% of that total to the Breast Cancer Vaccine Fund. Our industry stands united to put the Brakes on Breast Cancer!

Since 2011 Brakes for Breasts has donated over 1.8 million dollars to the Cleveland Clinic Breast Cancer Vaccine Research Program, and every penny raised has gone to directly to research!

Leigh Anne and Laura will speak about:

✔️Brakes for Breasts: Uniting Auto Shops in the Fight Against Breast Cancer


Click or Hit the "Save My Seat" Button Above and We'll See You Soon!

May 31st-June 2nd, 2024 in Mt. Arlington, New Jersey!

It's like summer camp for Shop Owners!

Located in beautiful Mt. Arlington, NJ, Guttman Development Strategies is a well appointed, Fortune 500 executive training center. Get away from all distraction and be focused and present with Repair Shop Growth Systems attendees. After meetings, enjoy boat rides on Lake Hopatcong, lake view restaurants, bonfire BBQ's, Shop Visits, and more. This is next level networking that you will never forget.

Connect with Other High-Achieving Shop Owners, Tap Into the Collective Genius of the Mastermind, and Get Direct Answers for Building High-Performing, Self-Managing Teams at Our 3-Day Repair Shop Growth Systems LIVE Event in a Ted Lasso-Inspired Atmosphere!

Reignite your passion, get recharged, re-energize, get hyper-focused, and explode your network and business at
Repair Shop Growth Systems LIVE on May 31st - June 2nd in Mt. Arlington, New Jersey!

This event will SELL OUT  SOON! Act Now! We are limited to 60 people TOTAL  due to the unique nature of our event, space is truly limited!

You Know As Well As We Do That
Every Missed Opportunity Has a Cost.

How much PROFIT have you left on the table on by not building your high-performance team and developing them to achieve their maximum potential?

How much TIME, EFFORT, AND MONEY have you wasted trying to overcome obstacles or challenges on your own, when you could have tapped into the Collective Genius of REPAIR SHOP GROWTH SYSTEMS LIVE? Lost time freedom and lost financial freedom is the hardest thing to put a price tag on, especially when it comes to our families and the time we get to spend with them.

How much POTENTIAL POSITIVE IMPACT have you lost by not being able to grow and scale at the level that would allow you to reach more people with your services? 

Don't miss out on the chance to transform your business and your life. REPAIR SHOP GROWTH SYSTEMS LIVE IS A GAME CHANGER!

Secure Your Seat Today and Don't Miss Out on Early Bird Pricing Before It's Too Late!

Repair Shop Growth Systems LIVE EVENT FAQs: Everything You Need to Know Right Now!

When Should I Plan to Arrive/Depart?
When Should I Arrive? 

The event starts on May 31st at 8:30 AM, but breakfast and networking begin at 7:30 AM. You will want to arrive no later than the evening of the 30th. 

If you are interested in shop visits or skydiving, you'll want to come in on the evening of the 29th as these events will happen on the 30th.

When Should I Depart?

The event will end by 4 PM on Sunday June 2nd. Please schedule your time so you don't leave until the event is over. You won't want to miss a thing! If you decide to leave the night of the 2nd, that is up to you, but we will most likely be eating together or doing some other fun networking activity.
Where Should I Fly Into?
Airport Information

We recommend flying into Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR). It is the closest airport to our location and is about a 50 minute drive to the event venue.  An alternate airport is John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) but it will add approximately double the distance to the event.
Where Should I Stay?
Hotel Information:

These hotels are close to our event venue. We will have shuttles in the morning bringing attendees over and returning in the evening. Book early, it's wedding season! 

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Mount Arlington-Rockaway Area, an IHG Hotel
176 Howard Boulevard, Mount Arlington, NJ, 07856 • +1 973-770-7880

Courtyard by Marriott Rockaway-Mt. Arlington
15 Howard Blvd, Mt. Arlington, NJ, 07856 • +1 973-770-2000

Residence Inn by Marriott Mt. Olive at International Trade Center
 271 Continental Dr, Mt. Olive, NJ, 07874 • +1 973-691-1720

Homewood Suites by Hilton Dover - Rockaway
2 Commerce Center Drive, Dover, NJ, 07801 • +1 973-989-8899

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Rockaway
14 Green Pond Rd, Rockaway, NJ, 07866 • +1 973-554-4090

Do I Need to Rent a Car? Or Is There an Uber?
It's about a 50 minute drive from the airport. You will be able to get an Uber to your hotel and we will have a shuttle that will transport attendees to the conference center. 

If you plan to visit local attractions or make dinner plans on your own, it may be easier to rent a car. 

For those of you attending, we will create a chat group or some way for all attendees to talk back and forth in case you want to work out carpools and all that fun stuff! Plus it's super fun to stay connected and in the hype of everything that is going down!
What's the Agenda?
Be prepared to immerse yourself fully in this event! 

This is *not* a hyped-up event where everyone gets on stage and tells you all about the great things they are doing ... and you walk away motivated, but with no tactics or strategies or help for where you are at. 

This event is 8:30 AM - 4 PM on May 31st-June 2nd (Breakfast starts at 7:30 AM). Yes, we go into the night networking and enjoying local activities!

Our Agenda is announced hour-by-hour. This is a high-speed networking, high-performance business + transformational event - just come and experience it. Our theme this year is Ted Lasso. We want to help you accelerate your breakthroughs and help you ATTRACT, GROW and RETAIN your high-performing, self-managing team so you can enjoy a real business that operates without you. 

Our events are second to none because of the PEOPLE who attend, but also because we are adamant about creating unforgettable EXPERIENCES. 
Are Meals Covered?
We will be pleased and honored to cover all breakfasts and all lunches. Dinners are on your own when we go off-site to eat.

*We will have some light snacks and drinks during the event to keep you fueled up and sharp! 

If you know you are going to want to have extra snacks or particular items in-between meals, please feel free to bring your own. There is a full kitchen on site. 
Can I Record the Event?
You are welcome to do some short social media posts, but not record full speeches or speakers. We will offer recordings. This is an EXPERIENCE that you need to be fully present for, and we recognize some of the business tactics, strategies, and speakers will want to be revisited in order to fully implement. 
How Do the Hot Seat Presentations Work?
You have the opportunity to present your business to fellow attendees in small break out sessions.

Each attendee gets 20 minutes to present. You are welcome to do a 'give back' for the first 5 minutes if you feel like you have learned something or know something that will help other attendees and would like to share it. The rest of the time is yours to present your business and express any challenges or struggles that you need help with. Again, this is not the time to go into who you are and/or your life story! You have got to be laser-focused on what you need help with and get right to it!

Everyone will then have remaining time to give you verbal feedback. We will also have cards that everyone can write on and pass to you in case there wasn't quite enough time to share. 
Is There a Dress Code?
Casual! You are welcome to attend in jeans, t-shirts, hoodies OR you can step it up a little with business casual if you would like to. 

PRO TIP: We'll keep things as comfortable as possible, but be prepared with layers. You can always take a jacket or two off! But if you don't have one at all, it may get a little chilly.

PRO TIP #2: New Jersey weather is completely unpredictable. Being prepared with warm clothes - even if it's only one warm outfit - is the best thing you can do. Coats/jackets at night and in the mornings are a MUST. Most venues stay a little on the cooler side, so layers are always a good idea! Bring a blanket if you are prone to get cold out on the boat! 
What Kind of Activities Should I Plan For?
We will be heading to Lake Hopatcong for a boat ride at least once while we are there! So for sure dress warm.  

Other potential activities:

- Skydiving (Yep, we've done this at past events. Let us know in advance if you're up for it!)

- Shop Visits (Depending on how many attendees are interested in local shop visits, we may tack a few on before and after the official event.)

- BBQ / Bonfire

- Lake View Restaurant (We will dock right at the restaurant!) 

- Good all around comfy clothes for hanging out and networking after the training is over for the day
Can My GM or Other Members of My Leadership Team Come?
Absolutely! This is the perfect opportunity to strategize about your staff growth plan with key players on your team! 

“With the right staff in place you gain freedom. And you can’t place a price on that.” - Eddie Lawrence (Shop Owner)

SEE YOU IN New Jersey!

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